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Boost Business Growth with 5G Private Networks & Private LTE Networks

Looking for more than the ‘one size fits all’ of public network solutions?
Ensure a high-speed, ultra-secure global IoT experience with guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) and low TCO.

Why Choose a Mobile 5G
Private Network?

As enterprises continue to move towards IoT-facilitated digital transformation, connectivity needs are evolving. Employees are pushing organizations to allow remote work, which can’t be achieved without security front and center.

Organizations are working in more globally dynamic ways, for example launching global tracking and location services. In-campus requirements are becoming increasingly critical, in verticals that vary from hospitals and military-bases, to manufacturing and industrial facilities.

For IoT applications, these future-focused enterprises need:

Always On image
Always On

Users and the devices themselves need to be able to connect remotely, communicate securely from disparate locations, and facilitate high levels of business continuity.

Better security mechanisms image
Better security mechanisms

Including granularity of control such as which users can connect to their network, who can connect remotely, intelligent policy enforcement and more. For device security, they may need their own private global APN.

Increased Quality of Service image
Increased Quality of Service

Alongside guaranteeing availability and performance, the adoption of private 5G offers the ability to define different QoS levels for different types of devices is critical in today’s Industry 4.0 and digital health landscape.

The Fastest Growing Availability of
Unlicensed Spectrum

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The market is changing. Increasingly, starting with CBRS in the US, and now expanding to the UK, the EU, and perhaps soon the whole world, unlicensed wireless spectrum is being allocated to citizens, eliminating a lot of the complexities involved with obtaining licenses.

By sidestepping private or shared spectrum licensing processes and costs, the road is now paved
for private campus RAN that improves QoS, tightens security, and is far simpler to deploy. Alongside 5G cellular network connectivity, this is making enterprise needs possible for the first time, adding higher quality, better availability and tighter security than ever before, without the operational headaches or lengthy timelines.

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What’s Unique About floLIVE’s
Mobile Global 5G Private Network Solution?

Full LTE/5G software-defined core network icon
Full LTE/5G software-defined core network
Seamlessly adheres your corporate IT and Security policies and guidelines icon
Seamlessly adheres your corporate IT and Security policies and guidelines
Multi-site, multi-facility support with centralized management icon
Multi-site, multi-facility support with centralized management
Flexible deployment options and network topologies (on-prem/cloud) icon
Flexible deployment options and network topologies (on-prem/cloud)
3GPP-compliant for easy integration with any RAN (Public, Private or Hybrid) icon
3GPP-compliant for easy integration with any RAN (Public, Private or Hybrid)
Facilitates true global connectivity, in 180 locations icon
Facilitates true global connectivity, in 180 locations

Unlike relying on public wireless technology, floLIVE’s private campus solution offers  new approach. This is a private 5G network for closed compounds such as factories, plants, hospitals and other facilities that have tight and unique requirements for security, privacy or quality of service.

The private network will utilize a private core network, and may or may not include a private Radio Access Network (RAN), depending on the facility’s location or environment. Private RAN allows both subscribers and devices connected to the private core to enjoy uninterrupted data connectivity and a guaranteed level of service and security, as external subscribers are blocked at the antennas.

The solution may use either licensed or unlicensed bands such as CBRS, sidestepping the complexities of regulatory or governmental approval, and is a closed network, fully-controlled by the enterprise. Talk to us about deploying private LTE that offers full integration with IT systems for better control and policy enforcement.

Private Campus Networks image Private Campus Networks image

For enterprises that need a solution for multiple locations, floLIVE offers a unique private 5G network solution that meet a wide range of use cases, including cross-country metering solutions, smart cities, connected cars, and global enterprises.

Our private core network can be leveraged with one or more public RAN providers via pre-allocated IMSIs from our dedicated IMSI library, so that your business can benefit from multiple operators within the same country. The single private core network offers seamless compliance and always on performance anywhere, at the same time as a granular ability to set policy in line with public safety, corporate security and business needs.

Nationwide Private Network image Nationwide Private Network image

Global service provider with a centralized base but employees and services in multiple locations? Utilize our Global Private Network solutions to enforce the same requirements of security, compliance, privacy and performance, even from disparate offices, campuses or locations around the world.

Global Private <br>Network image Global Private <br>Network image


  • Why is 5G so good for IoT?
    An IoT 5G network will be a huge game-changer for IoT devices, because of the fast speeds, huge capacity, and extremely low latency, as well as its unique networking capabilities. IoT devices need ‘always on’ connectivity, and 5G can offer this level of performance and reliability at scale for the first time.
  • How many devices can connect to 5G?
    5G will support up to 100 x more devices than 4G, in some cases up to a million devices per .38 square miles. As well as this, 5G will be able to handle more data, and transfer it much faster, too.
  • Why does 5G have low latency?
    The delay between sending and receiving information with 5G is 1 millisecond, compared to 200 milliseconds for 4G. This makes for a perfect technology for IoT use cases such as autonomous vehicles, where latency and fast reactions are extremely important. Other use cases include Critical IoT such as healthcare systems, drones and robotics, and Industrial IoT.
  • How does 5G Network Slicing work?
    5G network slicing is a process where network virtualization is used to split a single network connection into two or more distinct connections for specific customers or use cases. Within your own network slice, no other traffic will impact performance, security, or QoS. This slice will be similar to a tenant on a multi-tenant platform.

Interested in discussing 5G Network Solutions?

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