Global IoT connectivity solutions for enterprises is just one click away

Looking for a global IoT solutions with superior time to market? A username and password is all you need to onboard our fully automated service for global IoT

<span>Global IoT connectivity solutions</span> for enterprises is just one click away icon

Seamless global IoT connectivity solutions for enterprises and device manufacturers, at your fingertips

Global IoT connectivity is the engine driving tomorrow’s connected world. However, it cannot be efficiently achieved with traditional connectivity solutions.

floLIVE introduces floNETthe world’s first cloud-native, Software-Defined Connectivity (SDC) solution – a modern global connectivity and SIM management service fully designed for IoT, that optimizes performance globally. Think of it as your own IoT platform, designed for enterprise and device manufacturers needs.

Seamless global IoT connectivity solutions for enterprises and device manufacturers, at your fingertips image

Through a unified panel, it provides the control, flexibility and security needed for building tomorrow’s global enterprise IoT solutions

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Any device - anywhere

Our unique, patented SIM bootstrap technology enables devices to be activated anywhere in the world and receive connectivity services through a local carrier, to overcome Permanent Roaming restrictions.
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Abstracting telecom complexities for global enterprises

Abstracting telecom complexities for global enterprises  desktop icon Abstracting telecom complexities for global enterprises  mobile icon

Managing and maintaining a myriad of different carrier integrations is difficult, time consuming and often results in slow and rigid service. floNET was designed and built from the ground up as a converged cloud-native service. We own and run our own technology, build specifically for global enterprise needs,which means we can be affordable, agile and globally-uniform across any mobile network – all to enable the growth and expansion you need – at cloud-speed.



Localizing IoT Devices Globally

Your path to TRUE global IoT coverage for enterprise needs.

With an extensive IMSI library, globally-distributed core networks and a holistic, multi-layered security suite, our platform delivers the functionality necessary for efficiently deploying and managing global IoT solutions.

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Multi-carrier, localized coverage

Multiple local IMSIs eliminate coverage gaps and roaming restrictions.

Data privacy compliance

Data remains in the country of origin, and connections can be terminated where necessary to comply with privacy regulations such as GDPR.

Agentless Security

Our multi-layered security suite provides device and data protection without compromising on device performance.

Bring your Own Agreement

Bring your existing agreements with you to the platform, including pre-negotiated rates and relationships.

Service Automation

A fully automated service platform reduces human intervention and increases productivity and profit.

Single, Advanced Billing

One single, highly flexible invoice that covers all operators, currencies, plans and structures, including elements beyond connectivity.

Boosting your IoT device performance with gradual engagement models

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Our focus is on getting the most out of your IoT devices. That’s why floNET is targeted specifically at lowering latency, the factor proven to best extend battery life.

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Local PGWs

Firstly, we use local packet gateways deployed in the regions where your IoT devices operate.

Application Servers

Secondly, we allow manufacturers to co-host application servers right alongside, reducing latency between the application and network layers.

Unique Data Exchange Technology

Lastly, our unique data exchange approach limits the amount of time your device needs to be active. All three unique technologies lower latency, increase battery life, and therefore directly improve device lifespan.

Get the Most out of your IoT Devices with the xSIM

Securing your SIM technology growth

Our industry experience, global outlook and customer-focus makes us acutely in tune with the dynamic needs and challenges of global enterprises. We know that you cannot afford to be limited to one SIM solution. That’s why we support Plastic, eSIM and iSIM at the point of manufacture, as well as softSIM solutions provisioned over the air.

Throughout, we ensure the same service and security levels across all SIMs regardless of their form factor or technology.

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