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Case Study:

floLIVE’s IoT Connectivity Solution Saves InstPower 50% of Connectivity Costs

InstPower wanted to understand why they were dealing with these added costs, and turned to floLIVE’s Customer Service, look to learn:

  1. Why the local devices had higher data usage and related costs?
  2. How they could analyse a breakdown of this usage?
  3. What IoT connectivity solution would help to reduce these added costs?
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Maximizing Coverage: Combining Satellite & 5G Cellular Connectivity

Did you know that cellular coverage only reaches about 20% of the world’s population? That means there are many areas that are completely cut off from cellular connectivity, creating dead zones where devices cannot connect to the internet or transmit data.

  • The working and technical aspects of 5G and satellite connectivity
  • The power of a single multi-network SIM offering both cellular and satellite coverage.
  • Real-world use cases demonstrating how this combined network can bolster business growth & global IoT connectivity
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The Future of IoT Connectivity Management Platforms in an Era of IoT Transition

The Connectivity Management landscape is experiencing rapid and critical changes. In this webinar, you’ll learn this about connectivity management platforms:

  • The evolution of the CMP market
  • What’s in the modern CMP toolkit?
  • Types of CMPs on the horizon
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Case Study:

Streamline Boosts Livestock Traceability with NB-IoT and Satellite Connectivity

Streamline needed an IoT connectivity partner to support real-time traceability and management of livestock.

Learn how floLIVE: 

  • Provided always-on connectivity and visibility for IoT devices on the move.
  • Included intelligent two-way communication to manage costs and updates. 
  • Supported full coverage in any area using both NB-IoT and Satellite connectivity. 
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Analyst report:

Adapting to The Fast-Changing Landscape of Connectivity Management Platforms (CMP’s)

The latest IoT Transition Topic Position Paper by Transforma Insights, sponsored by floLIVE, and is a deep-dive into the shifting connectivity space, and how to adapt for changes with Connectivity Management Platforms. To remain competitive, connectivity providers are working on building a more diverse set of offerings to suit new business models, align with IoT use cases, and offer additional functionality such as analytics, remote SIM provisioning, core network functionality, and global connectivity orchestration. 

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