IoT Library

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Case Study:

AutoMobility IoT Solutions Supported through floLIVE Resilient Global Connectivity

With growing demand for resilient consumer automotive solutions, AutoMobility partnered with floLIVE to achieve always-on connectivity. Read the case study to learn more about how AutoMobility now has:

  • Global coverage
  • Full visibility
  • Single SKU Connectivity
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A Guide to Always-On Connectivity in Fleet Telematics

Connectivity moving devices globally that meet the requirements in fleet telematics isn’t an easy task. Download this eBook to learn:

  • Why the shifting telematics landscape is developing greater demand for resilient connectivity worldwide
  • What globally uniform, network-redundant connectivity means for fleet
  • How to streamline logistics while boosting performance
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floLIVE at Embedded World: Enabling the Digital Transformation

Explore the critical aspects of designing embedded systems for compatibility within IoT worldwide. This panel discusses the challenges and considerations in creating interconnected devices that seamlessly integrate into the global IoT ecosystem, including:

  • When global connectivity is necessary versus when regional connectivity might be more appropriate for specific applications. 
  • Best practices, standards, and strategies for designing embedded systems that facilitate the widespread adoption of IoT technologies across diverse industries
  • Why localized global connectivity is the future of IoT
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Case Study:

A Key Collaboration: Quake Global’s Industry Leading Telematics Solutions Meet floLIVE’s Resilient, Global Connectivity

The ideal combination of hardware and connectivity in telematics solutions can open up a world of possibilities in solving safety, security, efficiency, and optimization. Read the case study on how connectivity and hardware combine to drive key results in telematics through:

  • Programmable telematics solutions that leverage cellular and satellite connectivity
  • Global connectivity with resiliency and redundancy
  • How the conference of power technologies allows for success in the industry
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Get Road Ready: Summer Series on Fleet & Asset Tracking

This summer floLIVE is bringing you a series of 10-minute interviews focusing on the biggest challenges faced in the fleet and asset management industry. These quick, snackable videos are perfect for consuming on the go. Sign up to receive them directly in your inbox every two weeks. We’ll be covering:

  • Global Connectivity for Always-On Solutions
  • Cross-Border, Cross-Network Connectivity: How to Overcome Going Dark
  • Mobile Eyes on the Road and Beyond
  • Removing the Cringe from Regulatory Compliance Across Borders
  • eUICC, eSIM, Single SKU: SIM-plified Connectivity in Fleet Telematics
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